Objectives of the Institute:
- To create and provide an atmosphere and environment suitable for creative work in pursuit of knowledge and advanced learning in Paramedical and Nursing Sciences for the Beneficiary States.
- To promote and conduct Research and Development in Paramedical and Nursing Sciences and complementary subjects thereof.
- To foster a rigorous paramedical discipline, to stimulate a zest for creative work and to cultivate a spirit of intellectual collaboration amongst clinical/ laboratory and scientific workers.
- To hold and conduct examinations for Degree programs, Diploma programs, Certificate programs or any other programs conducted by the Institute and to grant academic/ professional distinction or title to persons who comply with the conditions and rules laid down by the different Councils.
- To arrange lectures, meetings, seminars and symposia in pursuance of its academic/ clinical work and for the diffusion of scientific knowledge. (6) To invite scientists in India and abroad actively engaged in creative activities to deliver lectures and participate in academic and clinical work.
- To take such other steps as may be necessary for and conducive to the advancement of learning in Paramedical/ Clinical and Nursing sciences and for dissemination of knowledge in these sciences.
- To establish, maintain, develop and promote educational links and close interaction, recognition, association, affiliation and cooperation with any Medical or Paramedical and Nursing training, research and development bodies/ Boards/ Universities/ Government agencies and/ or other institutions in India and abroad.
- To establish, administer and manage hospitals/ clinics/ out-patient departments, hostels and other facilities required for the Institute.
- To charge and collect fees from the student trainees and for services rendered by the Institute in any form.
- To receive grants from the Government and gifts, donations, benefactions, loans and subscriptions whether in cash or securities or any property either movable or immovable in furtherance of the objects of the Institute.
- To acquire and hold any movable or immovable property required for furtherance of the objects of the Institute
- . To manage and invest funds of the Institute in such a manner as may be, from time to time, determined by the Central Government or Executive Council or Governing Body.
- To frame rules and regulations for administration of the Institute and to frame regulations specifying the manner & conditions subject to which Pension and Provident Funds may be constituted or to find appropriate Organization offering schemes like Pension, Provident Fund, Insurance etc. for the benefit of the employees of the Institute.
- To do all such lawful acts as are conducive or incidental for the attainment of the above objects.
- To upgrade the programs, develop new programs as per need base of the NER and equip the Institute with better facilities in the endeavour to make the Institute a Centre of Academic Excellence.
- To develop the RIPANS as a premier Institute in the North Eastern region of the country for all disciplines.
Motto: – “To serve with dedication”.