Regional Institute of Paramedical and Nursing Sciences

APPLICATION Form for PG (M.Pharm)


Application No: 2024-1072

Date: 05-12-2024

* indicates mandatory fields.

Course Apply *

Student Details

* Attach Passport size photo Max Size: 200kb Compress photo here


Details of Student's Parent

Permanent address *

Address for correspondence *

Percentage of marks obtained *

Year/Semester % of Marks No. of Attempts Year of passing
1 st yr/1 st sem.
2 nd sem.
2 nd yr/3 rd sem.
4 th sem.
3 rd yr/5 th sem.
6 th sem.
4 th yr/7 th sem.
8 th sem.

GPAT Score

Year GPAT Score

Other qualifications *

Class Board Year of passing % Of marks Division

Specialization applied for *

Specialization applied for 1.Pharmaceutics 2. Pharmacology 3. Pharmaceutical Chemistry 4. Pharmacognosy Please select and filled as per Your preferences subjected
to availability at the time of counseling
1 st preference
2 nd preference
3 rd preference
4 th preference

Hostel accommodation require *

Physically Challenged *

The followings are to be attached with the application.

1. Residential Certificate. (PDF with Max size 200KB).*
2. Certificates for Reserved Categories (SC/ST/OBC-NCL/PWD/GEN-EWS) (PDF with Max size 200KB).
3. No Objection Certificate from the employer in case of employed candidate.
4.Marksheets of all year/semester. (All pages should be uploaded in a single PDF with Max size 1MB)*
5. Certificates of (All year/semester).(All pages should be uploaded in a single PDF with Max size 500KB)*
6. Cl-X Std (HSLC) Marksheets & Certificates (All pages should be uploaded in a single PDF with Max size 500KB)*
7. Cl-XII Std (HSSLC) Marksheets & Certificates. (All pages should be uploaded in a single PDF file with Max size 500KB)*
8. GPAT - score card (PDF with Max size 200KB) (If applicable)

(Note: All documents uploaded by the applicant should be produced in original as and when call for verification by the Institute.)

** Compress pdf here

Self Declaration *

I declared that the above information is true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. If I am found to be false or incorrect, I shall forfeit the claim to be considered for seat in the applied course. I aware that if I get admitted to this Institution and if I indulge in ragging, I will be expelled from the Institution.